
Sunday, May 8, 2011

This Week - I Missed Her

My mother's birthday was May 4th.

She would have been 69 years old.

She left this world when she was 59.

She was beautiful and she loved me only as a mother could. The above photo is of her and my brand new baby daughter, September, 1989.

Our family celebrated many milestones this weekend and I desperately missed having her with us as we gathered and shared 0ur joy of the accomplishments and honors.

Thirty years ago, this very weekend, my family gathered to celebrate a milestone in my life. Mother was a huge supporter of education. She encouraged me to always do my best in school, and was very pleased when I applied for college. There were many times I would call, " I can't do it", and she would be there to listen and offer unconditional love. I have missed her terribly these past, almost 10 years, but this week, there was a void that I couldn't help but notice.

On Friday we made the trip to Lexington, KY

to celebrate our daughter-n-law's graduation from the University of KY's Law School. She graduated 16th in a class of 150. I have watched this young woman the past couple of years read books that seem larger than she. I am in awe! She will be working with a judge in the court system. This is a great honor.

I was so pleased that my Dad and Pat were able to meet us in Lexington for this great celebration! We don't spend near as much time with them as I would like.

We returned to Kingsport, TN at 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning, slept a few hours and then began preparations for the next graduation and our son's birthday. 28 years ago, on the First Saturday in May, in Louisville, KY our oldest son made his entrance into our world( which was also known as Derby Day). My mother was there with me that day. I will never forget how she patted my leg as tears ran down her face, when I would cry that I couldn't do it! :0) Of course, I could, but at the time, I was very scared and very much needed my mother. She stayed with me that first week I was a mother, - I never told her that I cried the minute she and Dad were out of the parking lot heading back to Western KY.

On Saturday, my mother's youngest grandchild, my beautiful daughter, graduated from East TN. State University. While I was sitting in the crowd, I couldn't help but think how proud my mother would have been. All four of her grandchildren, and all three of her daughters have college degrees. That doesn't make us any better than others, it is only a testament to how much our mother/grandmother(dad too! ) believed in the need for an education.

Yes, I missed my mother this week. I selfishly wanted her there to witness the blessings I have as a mother and to thank her for her role in my life.

But, as I looked through the camera lenses and took photos of my daughter, I noticed how similar my daughter's profile, eyes and hair are to my mother's. Mother would be so proud. I am proud!

To my Mother on this Mother's Day weekend:

as long as I'm living, my mommy you'll be".

To my children:

my baby(ies) you'll be".

I pray your weekend was as blessed as mine. Thank you God for my parents, my husband, my children and for blessing me this weekend as a mother.




  1. What a wonderful tribute to your mother! She would be so proud of the woman you have become. I see some of her best attributes in you...and in Ashley!

  2. I think Greg has said it all- I only add that I hope our children will always see the legacy that we leave behind- as you have seen your mother's. You are a fantastic mother and your selflessness shows in the attributes of your children. Love ya, Debbie
