
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall is in the Air!

Happy October!
Trees are changing their colors, mums are in bright bloom and pumpkins are showing up in outdoor decorations.
I have mentioned my "pagan" tree on other occasions. I thought you might enjoy seeing the transformation to fall. I truly debated buying the black feather tree, but decided I would make do with my white feather tree and add black and orange decorations.
I found the black and orange fuzzy sticks at my favorite store in the mall. I also picked up the beautiful orange and black tree topper there. The photo doesn't do the topper justice. It really is pretty. The black and orange beads came from Food City, a grocery store here in NET. The white pumpkin gourds also were found at FC.
We had a beautiful weekend.
Our oldest son and his girlfriend arrived from KY on Friday night. It was our first time to meet her and we were thrilled to be introduced. She is a beautiful and bright young lady, in her first year at UK Law School. They have a sweet relationship.

I took the opportunity to prepare a "family" meal for Saturday night.
DH and I had fun sitting at the dining room table surrounded by our children and the close friends in their lives. We had a full table and it was blessed! Mom B. was also at our table. For those of you that may not know, Dad B. has been in the hospital for the last two weeks. We ask your continued prayers on his behalf. He is anxious to come home and hopefully will be able to come tomorrow night.

Mom Burton, Darling Daughter and the very special young man in her life.

Oldest son and his beautiful friend.

Notice the UK shirts they are wearing? Our house was rocking on Saturday afternoon while the KY/AL game was on. Unfortunately the Wildcats came out on the short end of the score.

Middle son and D Hubby. It was so nice having all the kids home for the weekend.

May God Bless you this week with sweet appreciation of his incredible creation.



1 comment:

  1. What blessings you and Greg have in your lives. Everyone looks so happy!! I love your hair. It's so nice when we can be so happy with our families. Thanks for sharing your fall decorations. They look beautiful!! I will continue to pray for your family. I love youall like my own. D
