Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your weekend is full of blessings and thankfulness! I have had a time trying to upload photos to show you. We are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. All of my children are home and it is the first Thanksgiving since Mom and Dad B. moved in with us. We are blessed!
I have a much better photo of the table, unfortunately, it is not on this computer.
I will try and show it to you soon. C., DD's BF, has a new camera and it is AWESOME! He took photos with it and downloaded them to the desktop computer.
Please notice the beautiful centerpiece. It was sitting on my table when I arrived home from school on Monday. The card wished us a wonderful Thanksgiving, but did not tell us the name of the sender. A special thank you for sending us a gorgeous centerpiece to add color and freshness to our table. I really do have better pictures. I promise I will get them up soon.
Thanksgiving morning began when the two young people below left the house before 7:00 a.m. to run in the "Turkey Trot". I think they were disappointed that no one from our family went to cheer them on. I told them, I was "cheering" in spirit.They had fun. They stopped and picked up C. on the way. He joined their "trot". They all seemed to have thought it was worth the cold mountain air and lack of sleep. DD said that she and C. talked while they "trotted" and were thrilled to be making room for the food that was being prepared.
Slow Cooker Heaven.Do you have a slow cooker? My sister has always been a fan of her slow cooker. While I've also been a fan, I don't think I've been as creative as I could have been.
Let me tell you, this particular appliance saved my thanksgiving feast.
I have two such devices. One 4 quart, the other is 6 quart. I placed a turkey breast in the 6 qt. pot with a stick of butter, kosher salt and cooked it on high about 7 hours. Honestly, the turkey was so tender, you didn't need teeth!
I began looking through a slow cooker cookbook I picked up a few years ago when the bookman came by school. My family loves corn pudding. Who would have thought you could make that in a slow cooker?
I thought, why not?
Actually, I had to change the recipe due to the fact that this was a last minute idea and I didn't have what the recipe called for. My recipe was delicious! I wrote it down in the cookbook, hopefully, I won't forget how to make it.
I was on a slow cooker "high" when I opened the newspaper and began perusing the colorful sales ads for the after "Thanksgiving" adventures.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
A chain pharmacy, located not two miles from my house had slow cookers on sale for $9.99! I couldn't believe it! They were open on Thanksgiving Day!
My sister has always made her dressing in the slow cooker and I thought, if I only had one more SC, I would have more room in the oven. When DH came down for breakfast I convinced him that I could NOT possibly make dinner unless I had another, yes, you got it, SC! Another argument I used was that $10.00 was a lot cheaper than buying me a new double oven. He ended bringing home two more. They are 5 quart size. I am now the proud owner of 4 slow cookers. I realize there are some out there that will think I've lost my mind, there may be some truth to that, but I will remember this Thanksgiving as the one where the turkey, corn pudding and dressing were all cooked in a slow cooker and my family thought it was the best food ever!
To all my friends and family in other places, I wish we had spent Thanksgiving together. Please know that you are on my list of blessings. I love you all and am looking forward to Christmas.
We've already had two snow days.