
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Playing "Catch-UP"

It has been awhile. I have a ton of pictures to show and a dozen or more stories to tell. Where do I start? A few weeks ago, on a beautiful fall Saturday, Ashley and I, treated Mom B. to lunch at our favorite restaurant here in Kingsport, Two Sister's Tea Room. We were excited to be able to share the atmosphere, which is very pretty and the delicious food.I took the opportunity to snatch a few photos of the two of them. It was a very relaxing time for the three of us and we enjoyed it tremendously. The quiet music playing in the background and the soft voices of those around us set the stage for wonderful memories.

Mom and Dad Burton one Sunday after church.

God is giving us a beautiful opportunity to have Greg's parents live with us. In the beginning, back at Labor Day, we were excited about this new journey and all that this would include. Little did we know Dad Burton was walking around with a terminal cancer. The shock and dismay we felt was like a freight train hitting us straight on. Within 10 days of their moving to TN Dad B. was in the hospital and diagnosed with multiple myloma blood cancer. The first few weeks were a blur of tests, questions and anger. The prayers we sent up were filled with pain and anguish. Our Heavenly Father has reached down and touched us in ways we could never imagine. Dad B. has been able to attend church the last three Sundays and Sunday School the last 2. While his strength is not what it was, he continues to be a witness to all around him. God has given Mom B. the strength to not only take care of Dad but the courage to drive in an unfamiliar town. Please continue to pray for them. Pray peace and strength for the tasks at hand, wisdom for the medical team that provides the health services and opportunities to witness to others.

Middle Son. We haven't seen as much of him this semester. He is busy with school projects and other college activities. He is doing well and looking forward to the all night camping trip planned for Thanksgiving night. More to follow on that story. LOL

Last Sunday night, DH and myself were able to steal two nights in the Smokey Mountains. It was wonderful! I can't think of any place I would rather be, especially during the fall. We took the opportunity to rest and relax. While there we read "The Shack". If you have not read this book, I highly recommend you do so. I won't go into the details, please let me know if you read it. I would love to hear your thoughts on it!

Fried Green Tomatoes

If you are from the south you have probably, at one time in your life, eaten fried green tomatoes. I can remember my mother preparing these at the end of the tomato season, when growing season for tomatoes would not allow them to turn ripe on the vines. DH went out to our tomato garden and pulled all the plants, hiding under some of the vines were green tomatoes. He brought them into the house and placed them in the kitchen window, reminding me of long ago memories. I happened to mention to Mom B. and Dad B. how my mother had prepared fried green tomatoes. The discussion that followed sent me to the internet looking for recipes. I found several, none that mentioned sprinkling sugar on the top. I asked Mom B. if she had sprinkled sugar on her tomatoes, she did. I took this recipe and adapted it by sprinkling sugar on the tops of the tomatoes once I turned them. They were so beautiful I took a picture. LOL Seriously, they were very tasty and all but one slice was eaten.

Last but not least. I took my Personal Finance class on a field trip Friday. We went to the Carter County Courthouse and they participated in a financial Life simulation. Each student was given a notebook that told them what their career, income, and marital status was. They then proceeded to walk through the courthouse, where displays were set up for them to purchase needed household items, such as a home, car, utilities, food, insurance, vacations, and a curve ball. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to experience "life" in the real world. What made this particular activity so special, the courthouse/county officials participated in the event. They met the mayor, and other county leaders. The kids had a great time and several "eye opening" experiences. Two of the students were married to spouses that were out of work and had 4 children. They had a difficult time buying all of the needed items for their family on one paycheck. I told them this might be a good thing to remember when they are in a car with their significant other and the car is getting steamy. Do they really want the responsibilities this activity can bring? Most said "NO"!

I took this photo in the courtroom. They were all saying, "We love Mrs. Burton"! LOL well, I DID tell them to say that. They are great kids and I am very proud of them!

May God Bless you this week with a warm heart and an opportunity to encourage others.

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