
Monday, March 10, 2008


Do you like donuts? Krispy Kreme has a bakery here in Kingsport. Not too close to our house, just far enough to make it a chore to go there. That is a good thing! Truthfully, I associate donuts with warm, loving memories. When I was a little girl, my family would go to Owensboro (approximately 40 miles from our farm) and because my dad loved donuts we would stop at a donut bakery. Dad would always give us girls the "donut holes" to eat on the way home. They would be fresh, warm and melt in our mouths! I can taste those donuts while writing about them! LOL

How does this story relate to the above photo? Well, I'm glad you asked. The Business Teacher in my school and myself need to raise money for the clubs we sponsor to go to state meetings. We were sharing our wows on how to raise quick money when she mentioned that donut sales are a good way to make quick money for organizations, but someone has to drive all the way to Kingsport to pick them up. Of course, I replied, I don't live "THAT" far I can pick them up. Now is where the story gets interesting. I am suppose to pick up...... 440 dozen donuts in the momma van on Wednesday morning around 6:30 a.m.!

I came home and shared with my loving H. about this project. He quickly begins making a list of why this is NOT a good idea. I finally tell him to be quiet, it is already done and instead of giving me a list of why it won't work he needs to be helping me figure out how to place 440 dozen boxes of donuts in the van. He says it can't be done and no encouragement is going to make it happen. In our defense we did call Krispy Kreme and the man said we should be able to get them all in there, it would be tight. H is still not convinced.

Stay tuned, this story will continue on Wednesday of this week. If I have enough sense about me on Wednesday morning I will try to take pictures of the story.


  1. THIS ONE TAKES THE CAKE (Cake donut) that is!!!! I wanta see that picture!!! BTW- can you mail me 2 dozen donuts? LOL

  2. You are funny! As it turns out, I was wrong, it was 459 dozen! We called them again today and for 18 more boxes they would deliver. We went with that plan. So I have to be at school before 7:30 in the morning to help unload almost 500 dozen donuts. Can you believe it? It wouldn't be so bad if I could just go to sleep at night, but I am having a rough time going to sleep and then I don't want to get up. UGH! Oh well. Have a great day!
