
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Year 2069

Upon entering the classroom, the following students aged 60 years. Their lives, as they knew them were in the past. They discovered many life changing physical differences.
They discovered their vision had changed drastically and they needed "special" glasses. Unfortunately, they also had severe hearing loss and found "hearing aides" made just for them. The arthritis in their fingers was almost unbearable, fortunately, they were given a "wrap" that had been invented to provide them with the ability to use their hands in everyday tasks.

Due to their physical discomforts, it was decided they should move into the home of one of their children. Frustrating in the beginning, they were determined to not be a "bother" or inconvenience to their offspring. With this thought......

They decided to make a chocolate cake as a surprise for their family!
Making this cake would show their family how much they loved them, appreciated them and maybe, they were still valuable as a family member.

They discovered it wasn't as easy as it "used" to be. Frustrating, annoying, and yes, sometimes painful were all emotions experienced during this 55 minute simulation.

Many thoughts were verbally expressed. "My hands are hurting", "This recipe is almost impossible to read", and my favorite, "When I "really" reach almost 80 years old, I hope someone cooks for me"!

I can't wait to read their written reactions. This lesson was absolutely fun and I thank the students in my Adult Living for their participation. It was a "perfect" day!
OK, it was a "perfect" lesson.
The day itself began horribly.
Actually, it was a nightmare. I begin my school day with the alarm playing music at 5:30 a.m. I am able to hit the snooze bar at least 2 times before I arise just before 6:00 a.m. This allows me 50 minutes to get ready and leave my house just before 7:00. If I follow this typical routine, I have time to drive through McDonald's, get breakfast and still arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. which is the time I should be there.
This past weekend we "sprang" forward, while officially we lost only one hour, my body feels like I lost an entire night of sleep. For the first time in my teaching career, my worst fear happened. Somehow I overslept. I still don't know how it happened, but instead of me awakening sometime around 5:30, I awoke at 7:10!!!! Seriously! The panic was something I hope to never experience again.
I began praying and rushing and praying and... well you get the idea.
I didn't tell you that the above lesson was to be my final evaluation of the year and would determine my tenure. It had to be completed by this Friday and due to snow and other interruptions(plus our impromptu trip to Fl) this was the only day and time it could be done. The only saving factor to this horrible nightmare is that I have planning during first period and I had stayed up til 1:00 a.m making sure all of my paper work was completely ready to go.
I arrived at school at 8:15.
One hour and five minutes after awakening.
Not bad for a person that lives 30 miles from school, and no I did not speed. I knew a speeding ticket would just make me that much later and I couldn't take that chance! Truthfully, my hair was in a ponytail and I wasn't sure if my makeup was applied correctly, I didn't drive through McDonald's and my blood pressure I'm sure was off the charts but I MADE it! Thank you Lord, for giving me what I need, when I most need it! Amen.
The last factor in this otherwise long story, I had the worry of getting on an airplane when I left school. I am not a world traveler. When I was in my twenties I so desperately wanted to be a traveler, get on an airplane and travel to a different place each year. It only happened once and I did love it... then. It was 16 years later before I had the opportunity to fly again. I somewhat enjoyed that flight, but my nerves were a little frayed. It has been five years since THAT experience and I must confess, I think for me to feel completely comfortable getting on a plane I must do it more often. With the stress of the morning and the fear of flying, it has taken me almost 36 hours to recover from Tuesday. :)
The best part of the recovery, I am in beautiful sun shining Florida. No humidity, pleasant breezes and NO ALARM clocks! I highly recommend this prescription for recovery from a" horrible, no good, kind of day." :o)

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