
Friday, December 21, 2007

Pink Nail Polish

Pink nail polish. Beautiful when painted on finger nails, or toes. Especially, when it is a bright eye-catching pink. Unfortunately, it is not beautiful when the bottle falls off a counter top and hits a white tiled floor. Yes, that was one of my many experiences today. Actually, it was at that point that I was in tears and ready to go back to bed!

My husband and I enjoy entertaining, especially during the holidays. With our hectic schedules it is imperative to us that we schedule time to invite friends and co-workers to our home to enjoy food and fellowship. Tonight was one of those scheduled events. The office and ministerial staff from our church were all invited to our home. Their anticipated arrival time was 5:00 p.m. The nail polish incident happened at 3:30.

Naturally, all of the "helpers" had other appointments during the day which left the burden of last minute cleaning and cooking to yours truly. I had mapped out my day in such a way that even "Martha" would have been proud! Swiffer those dust bunnies, set the tables, prepare a yummy cake, make two crock-pots of soup, take a shower, have quiet music playing, and a smile on my face to greet my guests. Oh, don't forget to straighten the cookbook shelf which is above the desk area in the kitchen and find a hiding place for the piles of junk that have accumulated. Yes, including the famous bottle of nail polish.

CRASH! I thought I was seeing things. How could such a small bottle of nail polish break and leave gallons of bright pink enamel on white tile? It was at this point that I lost it. I was so mad at myself for waiting til the last minute to clean house. I know better! I really do! I have had years of experience doing exactly what I did today, why I was in a tither makes no sense. But, lost it I did. I cried and then called my hubby and mentioned he might want to pick up a large bottle of nail polish remover on the way home. He was my hero! He arrived just before 4 with a huge bottle of remover and went straight to work with cotton balls. Happily, other than a very close look at the grout the pink nail polish is now only a memory or chapter in my book. LOL

I think our guests had a good time. We had supper and then all went to the movies to see "National Treasure". A very good movie. The first I've seen since school has started.
Company is coming tomorrow. I have to "work" on the upstairs. Sigh! The work is never done. Good night!

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