
Friday, May 23, 2008

Graduation UHS!

It was with joy I prepared the bags above for the girls in my FCCLA group.

They graduated from high school tonight. There were 11 of them.

I am so proud of these young women!

Tonight they begin a new journey.

I pray God's blessings and watchful care as they walk on this new path.

They are beautiful, inside and out!

They surprised me with a basket of goodies.
They know me well!
The angel is adorable. the candle is apple scented(an apple for the teacher), the bag of Hershey Kisses is "sweet", the buttons are for me to use in a craft project, the nail file is to help me with a manicure, the lotion is to help keep my skin soft, floating in the bottom of this basket......
Lip Gloss!
Beautiful, wonderful, lip gloss. I am convinced, if people wore lip gloss, they would smile more. I could NOT teach without it!

Also in this basket, cards.

I attempted to read one and decided I would have to wait until tomorrow. These girls are very special to me and the words they have written are precious. The emotions are a little too close to the surface to read tonight, but read them I will.

Cherish them I will.


God Blessed me the Day he sent me to UHS and you welcomed me by taking my classes. It has been my joy and privilege to be a part of your lives.

Dear Jesus, Bless each of these girls tonight in a special way. I pray they will look to you for guidance and wisdom as they begin the journey into adulthood. They are precious and wonderful young ladies. Keep them safe in your arms. In Jesus name.



Mrs. There's a Burton

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  1. WOW-- What lucky students you have had. They have had the experiences of a very valued teacher this year. You have sent them away with so many more life lessons than can be taught from the books. Good for you, girl!!! You keep it up. I am very proud of you and your accomplishments and your heart to others. Good job:)

  2. thank you! It was a great experience. Have a great weekend!
